All commercial terms and conditions of the partner contracts apply to the online platform.

Robotics ProVision Ltd. reserves the right to change prices without notice!

Latin: Robotisc ProVision Ltd.


The use of this website and the registration of an order through it shall be deemed to be acceptance of the terms and conditions stated. If you DO NOT AGREE to these terms, please do not use this website. Robotics ProVision Ltd reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice, and the changed terms and conditions will be posted on the site.

I. Terms and Conditions
– “” is an online e-commerce platform – for the sale and delivery of the goods published therein, on behalf of Robotics ProVision Ltd.
– The publication on this site has the meaning of a public invitation to conclude a commercial transaction for the purchase of items online from Robotics ProVision Ltd.
– Robotics ProVision Ltd through “” has the right to change the prices of goods offered at its sole discretion without prior notice. The user is obliged to pay the price that was current at the time of ordering the desired goods. The price reduction is announced by placing the new price below the old price, the latter being crossed out.
– Robotics ProVision Ltd. through “” undertakes, upon receipt of a request from the Customer, to deliver the desired goods to the Customer or to inform the Customer of other circumstances concerning his request.
– Robotics ProVision Ltd shall not be liable if the Customer has provided incorrect and/or incomplete data in an order placed at “”.
– Robotics ProVision Ltd. does not guarantee the complete conformity of the items presented on the website and those available in the store network.
– Robotics ProVision Ltd is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the information published on the website. Price adjustments in the stores are possible, as well as changes in product design.
– The information published on the site about sizes and correspondences should be interpreted as indicative. Robotics ProVision Ltd. admits the existence of discrepancies between the published and actual dimensions, for which it is not responsible.

– There may be discrepancies in the appearance, colours or visual effects of products shown on the website and the actual ones. Physical and other data and parameters of the products, such as dimensions, weight, materials of which they are made, etc. can be found in the description of the respective product. If any of the characteristics are not described, or you wish to obtain further information, please contact us at the contacts listed.
– All prices are in Bulgarian levs excluding VAT.

II. Rights and obligations of the parties
1. Robotics ProVision Ltd. undertakes:
– confirm the availability of the ordered items or refuse the order within 7 working days;
– to deliver the goods ordered for purchase within the time specified in the delivery and payment information
– guarantee that all products are factory new (unused!) and sealed by the manufacturer, unless otherwise expressly stated when the goods are presented on the website.
2. The customer undertakes:
– Provide their full name, accurate and valid telephone number, delivery address and e-mail address;
– to pay the price of the goods according to the conditions described in the delivery and payment information;
– to pay the delivery costs according to the conditions described in the delivery and payment information for goods
– provide access to and availability of the goods.
The goods ordered for purchase shall be delivered to the delivery address specified by the Customer within the time period provided in the delivery and payment information for goods.
Goods shall be delivered suitably packaged according to their type and transport for delivery.
Upon delivery of the goods, the Customer or a third party shall sign the accompanying documents. A third party is considered to be anyone who is not the holder of the application but accepts delivery of the goods and is at the address specified by the customer. In the event that the Customer is not found within the delivery period at the address specified or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within that period, Robotics ProVision Ltd. shall be released from its obligation to deliver the goods requested for purchase. The customer may confirm his/her wish to receive the goods after the expiry of the delivery period in which he/she was not found at the address, bearing all delivery costs. In this case, a new delivery period starts accordingly from the moment of confirmation.

III. Personal data

-Robotix ProVision Ltd. through “” takes due care to protect the Customer’s personal data made known when completing the electronic form to make an application for registration on the website and purchase. This obligation is waived if the Customer has provided false data.
– – Subject to applicable law and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, Robotics ProVision Ltd. may use the Customer’s personal data solely for the purposes set out in the contract.
– Robotics ProVision Ltd. through “” has the right to use the information for offering goods and/or services to the Customer, for promotions, sending advertising messages, greetings, organizing raffles, inquiries, for statistical and any other lawful purposes, except in the case of express disagreement of the same sent to the following e-mail address:
– The purposes for which the data described above may be used are not exhaustive and do not give rise to any obligations for Robotics ProVision Ltd. via Any other purposes for which the data is used will comply with the Privacy Policy, Bulgarian law, applicable international acts, Internet ethics, rules of morality and good morals.

– By registering with, the customer agrees to receive personalised promotional messages and up-to-date offers to the email address they entered when registering. In the event that the customer does not wish to receive promotional messages, they may unsubscribe via a special embedded unsubscribe link contained in each promotional message.

IV. Disclosure
– “Robotics ProVision Ltd. through” undertakes not to disclose any personal data about the Customer to third parties – government authorities, commercial companies, individuals and others, except in cases where:
– has obtained the Customer’s express written consent;
– the information has been requested by state authorities or officials who are authorized to request and collect such information under the applicable legislation;
– Robotics ProVision Ltd through “” is obliged to provide the information by law.

V. Liability
– Robotics ProVision Ltd. through shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement in the event of circumstances that Robotics ProVision Ltd. through did not foresee and was not obligated to foresee – including, but not limited to, acts of God, fortuitous events, problems on the World Wide Web and in the provision of the Services beyond the control of Robotics ProVision Ltd. through

VI. Arbitration
All disputes between the parties shall be resolved amicably and in good faith. In the event that no agreement is reached, all unresolved disputes arising out of or relating to the contract between the parties, including disputes arising out of or relating to its interpretation, invalidity, performance or termination, as well as disputes concerning the filling of gaps in the contract or its adaptation to newly arising circumstances, shall be resolved by the competent court of registration of Robotics ProVision Ltd. in accordance with Bulgarian law.